Monday, November 13, 2006


My friend Mike upgraded to DSL. He talked about his progress or reluctance to make progress with technology. And that's ok. I tend to be like that too. Well, that and we are cheap.

But when I think about some of the technology we have now I am very thankful for the ease or comfort it has brought to my life.

DSL really is nice for internet surfing. After working at a company with a T1 line it's hard to go home to dial-up.

DVD's - I like this technology for a couple of reasons. DVD's last longer than videos. And are far less temperamental between machines. The biggest thing I like about DVD's is the portability. I can take a movie on a plane. God bless it, they are worth it just for how fast they make the flight go.

Cell Phone - In all honesty I could care less about having a cell phone. I got it for one reason. Security. Winter security to be exact. The one thing I have never gotten over is winter anxiety. The idea of being stuck somewhere in 20 below weather was really really unnerving to me. When the news says exposed flesh WILL freeze what do you do if your car breaks down? And even though we are in the heart of the Twin Cities it is still relatively rural in parts. I could be looking at a very long walk or a very long wait in the car. I sat down a couple of years ago and told the hubster that I was very happy in Minnesota and I wouldn't trade it for the world but after 5 years I was still nervous about winter and getting stranded. So he got us phones. And now I am fearless.

The bonus to a cell phone - getting to talk to my folks. My dad and I call each other whenever the whim hits. And it's fun. We love to call each other when we see things that make us think of the other. Like pink flamingos in front of a mansion. Or pink flamingos at the zoo. Or when we are in Barnes and Noble and spot a book that we think the other needs to read. Or if we spot a pink flamingo in Barnes and noble. IT COULD HAPPEN!

Ipod - I've said it before and I will say it again. I LOVE MY Ipod. I love that I have 1221 songs on it. I love that I can play One Thing over and over and over and over. And then I can switch almost instantly to Mozart. I love taking it on a plane because no one talks to you. And it makes the ride so much more enjoyable. And I love that I can listen to it at work and drown out the Negative Ninny that works next to me. Then I can take that same said little Ipod, go to the library and read my book in total peace with classical music in my ear. I don't have to lug around different cd's to do this. It's all in one tiny little box. And it's marvelous.

Laptop - I love that I could watch Studio 60 tonight and catch up on all my blog reading. Oh, and see that thing with DVD about taking it on a plane. My laptop makes that possible.

Scanners - I love that I can scan photos and send them to my family. That I can post them on the web. That I can store them "forever" safely on a hard drive.

Digital Camera - Someday I'll be able to blog about how wonderful this technology is. But today is not the day. I'm still a film camera girl......


Anonymous said...

Technology has definately made out lives easier. But in some ways it's made it harder too. It changes so fast that just when you get used to doing things a certain way that software/cell phone/whatever becomes obsolete.

I love my iPod and laptop very much too. The cell phone, not so much.

J-Funk said...

I grew up in the country in Iowa with no cell phone and had many car breakdowns, but thankfully and amazingly none in bad weather. To this day I am stupified that I had the nerve to even go out at night when the weather was so bad (although the logic of a curfew was crystal clear to me, and I respected it). When I moved to Minnesota (at age 22) I finally got a cell phone and never turned back. Although the one time I did get stranded I had forgotten it at home (but was luckily only a few blocks away).

yea cell phones!

Tink said...

I'm going to convert you into a digital camera girl yet. It would make a nice holiday gift *cough*hubby*cough*. He does read this blog right?

I love having a cell phone for emergencies. I hate feeling like I'm "on call." Some people act like having a cell phone means you have to pick up everytime they call. No thank you.

Kell said...

I've always felt like a cell phone is a necessary evil. I have mine for security, too. I haven't given the number to anyone except family because if I'm not at the house, I don't want to talk on the phone.

And if there is ever a fire, I'm grabbing the iPod first.

Anonymous said...

Oh honey, saving a digital photo onto a ahrd drive isn't permanent. They've gotta be backed up elsewhere. Shaniqua replaced a pc who's drive failed and I lost a boatload of files. Digital cameras are wonderful though. The prices have come down and you can get a really nice one for pretty cheap...especially now that we're getting into the hols and things will be on sale.