Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stenches, lab coats, and more

*Good news: the stench has not reappeared. So our guess is that it was the combination of chemicals my buddy on the other side of the wall was using. Yippee! Yahoo! SOOOO glad it wasn’t something newly dead in the ceiling or walls or under the floor. Did I mention there is a hole in the floor big enough for a large rat? You’d think an umpteen billion dollar corporation could at least plug the holes in the floor.

*As for the lab coat. It is the signature apparel of our company. All our sales and service techs are supposed to wear them. They don’t, but they are supposed to. I work for a chemical manufacturing company. In a nutshell we clean the world. Funny story that lab coat. The one place we have been asked NEVER to wear them is when we are performing service calls on cruise ships. They are afraid we will be mistaken for coroners.

*I have managed despite constant dog watching, chasing, and pee cleaning to get back into the swing of things with my reading. This morning I just decided to give up on a book that I had been looking forward to. I just don’t think I’m in the mood for it’s subject matter. It’s about inner city life, gangs, mafia, spousal abuse, animal abuse. Just not what I need right now.

*We have been watching the NBC/Sci Fi series Heroes. Last night they ran a marathon. I am impressed with the story, how intriguing the whole idea is. And trying to figure out who the bad guys really are.

*It’s finally gotten cold here. We basically went from sweatshirts outside to down parkas. But my mantra this winter will be: “At least November was warm” We’ll see how long that works for me before I go screaming to the Como Conservatory, rip off all my clothes and dance in the humid tropical heat.

*My dad is excited to have me coming. He wants us to go to the Weiner Wonderland Parade (pull your minds out of the gutter people!) at Balboa Park the day before I leave. I think that will be a blast. I went last year and it’s too funny to see hundreds of little dressed up dachshunds running around. Dad thinks Lily will have fun. I have a reindeer costume/coat that I got for Sophie last year for holiday pictures that was too small for her. It might fit Lily just right. Groan all you want but we’ll feel like the odd ones out if we aren’t in costume. Or perhaps I should make her a weiner dog costume so she will fit in with the rest of the puppies. And besides Balboa park is one of the most beautiful places in San Diego and it has an amazing artist pavilion to shop in.

Sorry but no pictures today. I was thinking I might run around down town and take some pictures today if it warms up at all. The city is just beautiful in winter.


mike said...

Oh, I'm so glad you're reading Haunted. I loved Loved LOVED that book. It's like a Canterbury Tales for the Jerry Springer Generation.

Tink said...

I LOVE the idea of the weiner dog costume!! Whatever you do, take lots and lots of pictures.

"They are afraid we will be mistaken for coroners." What?! Like in case someone died on the trip and you had to do a quick investigation?

I didn't really get a chance to answer any of my comments from yesterday, but I wanted to thank you in particular for making me feel better. I'm so glad to have you as a friend.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, oh please post a pic of Lil in her costume! And maybe some pics of the parade. I actually squealed with delight once I'd pulled my mind from the gutter. :)

LOL on the coroner / lab coat thing.

Good for you for realizing you need to put that book away and work on something else.

Jay said...

No lab coats on cruise ships. Now that's funny.

I think the weiner dog costume is a great idea too.