Thursday, June 14, 2007

Total and complete drivel

Age of body is not equal to age of heart

I still feel like a little kid

That’s probably why I have trouble dealing with adult type responsibility

And why some days I wish I could just curl up with my Teddy Bear

No that is not a sexy euphemism for the hubster. I really do mean a stuffed bear.

I refer to my business appropriate clothing as “grown-up” clothes

I’m a picky eater and I don’t care if it appears childish to people

I don’t wanna eat brussel sprouts and you can’t make me

I didn’t spell that right but word can’t seem to fix it for me

Spray painting is going on in the elevator banks

Every surface, floors, walls, ceilings, are covered with white fabric and plastic

It’s like a white padded room

I’m thinking of curling up in a corner and enjoying a moment of insanity

I want to sleep more

Read more

Worry less

Yesterday my body got on the bus

But my brain had already left

I tried to make the screen read my bus pass

I look bewilderingly at the driver and told him the machine was broken

He smiled and said that for once, today, I was the broken one

And then he pointed to where I should have been placing my bus pass

I’m still trying to figure how I screwed that one up.

And I don’t think my brain has returned quite yet

Ever get that feeling that your brain is sleeping even though your eyes are open

And you can’t feel a thought running around in your ol’ grey noodle?

Ever feel like you should have just stayed in bed

And let the world go around without you for once?

And now for moments of cuteness:

I took these so Tink knows she isn't the only one with fat and lazy puppies.

This is it folks, I’m outta here! Newt is going tattooing tomorrow, wine drinking on Saturday, Pancake and Chinese eating on Sunday (that would be Chinese Food, not people) and then I’m not sure what on Monday! Hugs all around! See ya’ll Tuesday when I bring you pictures of rural Northern Wisconsin. – Yes, yes, and tattoos!


J said...

Lily looks like one of those wind-up frogs when she lays like that. :)

Kell said...

Can't wait to see the pictures! Have a fabulous time, dahling.

Hi to your folks!

BTW, be on the lookout for a surprise in the mail ;)

Anonymous said...

I am so not showing those pictures to my hounds...they are already lazy enough!

Sounds like you have a great weekend planned...have fun!

Jay said...

My brain takes little vacations and doesn't tell me where he's going or when he'd coming back. I miss him when he does that.

Have fun in Wisconsin! Can't wait to see the tat pics!

Coffespaz said...

Totally, totally and, again, totally with you on that one! I think it might be time for a story!! :-)

Have a good weekend and enjoy the culinary delights that are in store. I would say to enjoy the tatooing but I heard it hurts, so I'm not sure that will be enjoyable.

Tina said...

Should I have called the hurt team while you were typing this? Between the lovely smell of whatever they've been digging in the front entrance and the spray paint we all could possible be up for some sort of workman's comp right?

Tink said...

I hope you're having fun! I hope your brain returned :). Mine has already left on vacation too. Btw, I want pictures of the matching tatts. Pleeeease.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Tattoooooos!