Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thunder and Lily

Lily knows when a thunder clap is going to hit. We figured this out last night after she charged across the living room, dove under my chair and hid behind my feet. And then KABOOM!
We were rather impressed.

We couldn't figure out why she was having such a frantic scramble to get herself as hidden as possible. But then the thunder hit and it made perfect sense. We just didn't' realize she could hear it coming.

Here are a few pictures, I am not thrilled with the moon pictures but it was such a beutiful cloudy moon that I tried to at least capture the feel of it. And a few of my cuties.


Tink said...

It's almost impossible to get good pictures of the moon. You'd need a really large (and expensive) lens. But despite the limitations, those are pretty good!!

Jay said...

Those are much better than any pics I have been able to get of the moon.

Coffespaz said...

The moon lately has been wonderful, hasn't it!

Poor puppy. It must be awful to hear the thunder before it gets really loud. I never knew too many pups that weren't on edge during a storm.

Anonymous said...

Our little dog Lucy could hear it coming also. She would get as close as she could to one of us and then just shiver and shake. On the other hand, Cali, our Springer Spaniel doesn't even flinch. She is such a spas. She will stand right out in the middle of the yard and let it come!

The Lone Beader® said...

The dog I had when I was little always ran under my bed when it thundered... They can sense a whole lot more than us humans...

Also, love the moon photos=:)

Kell said...

I love your moon photos. I think you captured a mood, definitely. It's hard to do moon shots without a tripod and an expensive lens.

But I really love the pics of the puppies!

Christy said...

I must say, that is indeed quite impressive.