Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Newt on the Loose Day 3

The alarm goes off

Grrrrr, I really don't want to get out of bed.

But hey, I'm alive.

Yippee for me.

Stumble down the stairs

Make coffee

Crazy puppy pile goes outside

Barking their fool heads off

Cats run around my feet begging for food

Mommy needs her coffee first.

Meow Meow Meow

Oh, for cry'n out loud, I'll feed you already.

Awww hell, might as well take a shower.

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to work I go.

Bus ride home, enter crazy man. Laughing and gibbering from the minute he got on.

I will attempt to paraphrase:

"Yep, torn the thing down! Catholics, there aren't any catholics in the south did you know that."
(maniacal laughter) Well, there might be one or two but there aren't ANY in Tennessee (Maniacal Laughter) "Hey, throw that book in the garbage, that's totally useless (Maniacal Laughter) Huh, look, they have their own little farmers market (pointing to the little tent an old farming couple set up in a currently vacant business parking lot) Hey, I bet the CIA is running it. (Maniacal Laughter) That's the problem, too many taxes. Minnesota taxes their people to death. (Maniacal laughter) Hey, when do we get to Wally-Mart? Yep, that's the problem, too many taxes, that's what Minnesota does. (Maniacal laughter) then he elbows the poor young kid sitting next to him "Am I right - I'm right, its the government, they are after us all. HEY - WALLY MART this is my stop (Maniacal Laughter) "No catholics in the south" - as he steps off the bus.

I swear you could hear the audible sigh of relief from everyone on the bus.

Then we watch him cross the street even though the cross walk clearly is letting you know the light is going to change. And he stops in front of a car and crouches and starts dancing back and forth like he dares the driver to hit him.......................

Finally home

Happy puppies dancing all around me

Alright, time to clean litter boxes

That will be the highlight of my evening. Goodie for me.

Time to heat dinner

Cheesy Jambalaya - god this is good stuff

Then the dogs and I couch potato it for the rest of the night. Flash Gordon, Eureka, and Eureka again. Love that show.

Chat with the hubster. Almost start to cry but I get a hold of myself.

"I love you"
"Have a good night baby"
"I miss you"
"I miss you too."
"Sleep well bubby"
"You too honey"
"I love you"
"I Love you too baby"
"Ok, I'll talk to you tomorrow"
"Ok, sleep tight"
"You too"
"Love you"
"Love you too"
"Good night"
"Good night"

And now it is time for bed.



Kell said...

Hey! That's the way my conversations end with Al when he's out of town. No one wants to be the one to hang up, I guess.

Glad the man got off at Wally-Mart.

Jay said...

The bus is more entertaining than most television shows.

Coffespaz said...

Totally our conversations when DH is on deployment. Hang in there, he'll be home soon!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, crazy bus riding people...ask me someday about the crazy guy on the mass transit train in San Jose :) They are are required riding anomaly I guess!

Anonymous said...

I just had that conversation with Shaun. He's on Walkabout right now.

If you can spend $60 on cleaning supplies, you need to go buy a coffeepot with a timer. (MUCH better than cleaning supplies anyday.) There's nothing like waking up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee.