Friday, August 11, 2006

It's Friday - Yeeeeehaaaaawwwww!

4 Days till tattoo time!

Tonight I will be sleeping at a scout camp on the shores of the St. Croix river in Wisconsin. I am not sure how happy I am about that. But the pups will be with me. The hubster will be down stairs on the main level and I will be upstairs with a room full of teenage girls. Is this really a good thing? I guess we will find out. I get to do it all over again Saturday night.

The saving grace of this whole weekend is that because of the dogs and the fact that they can’t hang out at the marina I only have to deal with the evening events. I get to take the dogs home during the day. The hubster on the other hand has to work the food concession all day.

By the way, shameless plug here. If anyone who reads this would like to contribute to Sea Scout ship 248 please let me know. Since our inception almost two years ago the kids have acquired two sail boats and a classic wooden speed boat. The fund raiser pays for supplies to refinish the boats and hopefully they will start to raise enough additional money to participate in the big Wind Jammer on Lake Michigan that occurs each summer. Additionally they need boat covers for the three boats they have. And we guesstimate them at 700 bucks each. Yikes.

Alright, shameless plug ends…………………….

Well, actually I really don’t have that much to share today. I guess the shameless plug was all I really had.

So have a great weekend! Live, laugh, and love often.


Kell said...

You have a great weekend, too. I can't wait to hear about it.

Anonymous said...

LOL You really worked that the right way with the dogs and all. Are they seniors? I guess I'm assuming GS, but I don't know anything about Sea Scouts...

I'm sure you all had a blast!