Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday mumblings

We finally got some snow up here. About 8 inches at our place. Not a lot, but it’s the most we’ve seen so far. It was pretty funny to watch little Lily go outside. She was half buried in the snow. What has always baffled me is the fact that a lot of dogs hate rain and wet ground yet snow doesn’t phase them in the least. In fact they romp and play in it like crazy. All our dogs go nuts when it snows. They run around like maniacs. They get clumps of snow stuck in their fur. They get drenched. And in Lily’s case, they get buried. But they don’t mind it. However when the ground is even damp, they won’t go outside. I am VERY grateful that they like snow. It just makes me scratch my head.

While watching 24 last night I began to question at just what level do the networks think their audience IQ is at. I don’t know what the demographics are for 24 but I decided after last night that it has to be pretty young and or barely educated. I would think maybe high school completion and ages 15-29 would be their target.

Here’s why: In the show the main character memorizes some coordinates, then feeds those into a phone and gets a map of where he needs to go.
Ok, no biggie right. We all know the technology is out there. But the commercial that immediately followed that scene was one from Sprint and it began: “Do you want to be just like a federal agent and have instant global positioning on your phone?”

Wow! Goley Gee Batman can I? That would be so cool to be just like a federal agent! Are you going to sell me a black car, sunglasses, and a dark suit next? Are ya? Huh? Cause I so want to be just like a federal agent. Do I get to carry a gun too? That would be just way too cool! Can I Can I pleeeease????

So, I’m feeling a tad insulted by the Sprint commercial. And wondering just how dumb they think their audience is. Or perhaps the word should be impressionable. But then this morning, I realized that I am their perfect audience. I am dumber than a stump and I should be talked down to.

This realization hit me about 90% of the way through shoveling my walkways. And why you ask??? Well let’s start from the beginning shall we…………I got out of bed. Let the dogs out. Then wearing ONLY a Victoria’s Secret thin cotton nightshirt and a short little terry robe from the Disney Store I threw on a pair of socks, my winter boots, and gloves and went outside to shovel. Yes, in 5 degree weather with a wind chill of -7 I was out mostly “naked” shoveling snow. By the time I realized how positively stupid this activity was on my part I could no longer feel my legs. And I just kept thinking about the pot of coffee that was probably just finishing brewing. Apparently in my head a hot cup of coffee would make it all better. Why I couldn’t take the time to put on snow pants and a sweatshirt or something is beyond me. But at the time it just seemed like an ok idea. After a hot shower and more coffee my legs were still ice cold. Yep, brilliant decision on my part.


On a separate note we went to listen to the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra on Saturday night. Girl J and I have a fabulous time. We went to dinner and then to the Ordway for the concert. They called it their preview to European Tour concert. The concert started great. The first piece they did was excellent. But then they played a piece, no, that’s not the right word, they made noise for 7 minutes. It was the most irritating and ear bleeding thing I have ever heard.

Here’s a link to the piece

Yep, it was REALLY annoying. I kept waiting for the conductor to stop, turn around, and say “just kidding” only he never did. I don’t know if I have ever heard a more reserved applause.

This was followed with another relatively modern orchestral piece. Not bad, but modern composers seem to be against any sort of flowing melody. The music is more sporadic and choppy. In trying to be so different from classic composers they go in the opposite direction of melody and harmony. It’s unfortunate that some composers feel compelled to do that. I don’t care for it in the least. But that is just me.

Sunday was a mellow couch sort of day. I finished a jewelry project I had been working on. A long over due project for a friend. But to try to make up for the delay in getting it to her I made her something extra and it came out beautiful if I say so myself.

Oh, and I made a pot of split pea soup. It came out YUMMY. My mother in law recommended the mix, it’s from Manishevitz in the kosher food section of the grocery story. It’s a long plastic bag of split pea soup mix. I really liked it. Added some ham and there you go, perfect soup. If you try it, take your water down to 3 or 3 and ½ cups of water. Don’t do 5 cups. TOO much water. I like my pea soup thick, not watery.


steve said...

Woohoo! Snow! I just wish Minneapolis wasn't so bad at snow removal. The streets around our place are a mess.

Melba did split pea soup from scratch recently, and it turned out really well. When she proclaimed it "Done" it was still really watery, so I suggested we run it in the crock put for an hour or so with the lid cracked - thickened it right up. Yum.

Jay said...

We still are wating for snow down here. It's turned cold, darn cold! But, no snow. Missed all the ice too, but that's probably a good thing.

That Sprint commercial just pisses me off. I've been seeing more and more stuff like that on other shows too. It's bad enough that we are subjected to constant commercial interruption and those annoying product placements, but now they are doing crap like this.

Kell said...

That was the most bizarre music. Ew.

We didn't get as much snow as that, but we got a fair share. I've shoveled twice now because we did got an early start last night, but it snowed through the night. It was very fluffy--our driveway is actually dry now because we had a sunny day.

Mmmmmmm soup!

Anonymous said...

That um, "music" it sounds like when the Jr High orchestra is warming up.

PeppyPilotGirl said...

Yet another time when I'm glad I don't watch much TV...

Do you post pictures of your jewelery? I'd love to see some!

Betty said...

It sounds like a swarm of bees. Is that what it was supposed to sound like?

Newt said...

Steve: I'll have to try the from scratch version.

Jay: they weren't so annoying on night 2

Kell, Susan, and Betty, yes it sounded like swarms of bugs it was really annoying. But apparently its super cool and artsy and whatever other crap they can feed us about the piece. I just thought it sucked. And I think 90% of the concert hall agreed with me. But then the same people that probably like the piece also like going to a museum to stare at giant white canvases with a single black dot and call it art.

Peppy - I'll post a few new ones I'm working on in the next few days :-)

Tink said...

The first time I visited my Dad in Ohio after moving to Florida I ran around in the snow barefoot. Everyone thought I was nuts. Now? I won't even wear flip flops if it's under 70. Either my blood has thinned or I've become a wimp.

I can't hear the music you linked to (no speakers). So I'm going to imagine my boss singing. That would be pretty annoying. :)

Anonymous said...

Half naked snow shoveling, eh? Sounds kinky. Slightly not so smart, but kinky. ;)

Modern composers... I love Classical music and you've hit the nail on the head. What is so wrong about a recognizable melody, hmm? While Anton Dvorak is not exactly modern, he's relatively recent by comparison with other composers. Even his music I find a bit too "choppy". Bugs me to no end.

Dogs in Chihuahua is a mama's boy no matter what the weather. The only time he seems happy is when it's insanely hot. Silly little mexican puppy!

Tink said...

Ahahahaha!! I just noticed your Bush countdown. You ROCK.