Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday already????

Friday visit

Caleb and Lila came over on Friday. The house has been inspected and approved. The dogs got along just fine. And the kitty could care less. So, now all that was needed was for Michael to experience their irresistible cuteness.

Meatballs and deals

Friday evening we went to Ikea for dinner and then some shopping. I found new chair pads for $1.25 each. Grant you they are wafer thin and a fabulously boring tan color. But and this is a big BUT, they were cheap and will wash easily. Considering the sheer amount of fur and cat barf the cushions are subjected to cheap is the only kind of deal we look for.

I also got a really pretty duvet cover with matching pillowcases. I decided it would be fun to have a more European style bed. I have a comforter that dates back to my high school years. It’s just now starting to show signs of wear. So I thought it would be perfect to use inside the duvet. And it did work nice. The cover is a very very soft cotton just like a sheet. So that is all we have on the bed. Rather than a sheet and a blanket this combines them into one. I wasn’t sure how the hubster would take it but he liked it. No more tangling up in the sheet, or kicking the sheet to the bottom of the bed. It’s very slick actually. The bonus being that the duvet and pillowcases are only $20.00. Not bad considering how much sheets are costing these days.

Dr. Who

Friday also was the start of the new season of Dr. Who on SciFi. So far so good. I am not really keen on the new doctor but I’m sure he will grow on me.

The Thirteenth Tale

I finished the John Dunning book I had been reading and started The Thirteenth Tale. So far so good. It’s a beautifully written story. My bookmark is on page 147. So I’m a fair ways into the story. I can’t tell you how it’s going to turn out but from talking with Dad he said that he left the last two pages and hasn’t finished them yet. He doesn’t want the story to be over. I take that as a good sign of what is yet to come.

I have an office

My major accomplishment over the weekend was cleaning out the office. I managed to clean the whole thing out (except the hubsters desk) in between a whole lotta sneezing. But wow, I have a floor. I took out three large kitchen garbage bags full of shredded paper and junk. I haven’t seen that room in a couple of years now. I’ve seen it, I’ve been in it, but there was SOOOOO much clutter and crap that I was in complete denial of it’s actual existence.


The hubster came home Saturday night at about 11:30. It was a good reunion. He was glad to be home and I was glad to have him home. While he was in San Francisco he did some shopping and bought a new cologne. He got Obsession for men by Calvin Cline. Damn did he smell good. Dangerously good. Really really really good.


After sleeping in we had a leisurely morning. Then we went to see C and the dogs. We spent a little over an hour with them. They still won’t come near us but I think we got some good quality time with them. And I think the hubster really likes them. He agrees with me that we can probably work wonders with them. It will just take time and patience. And we have to be willing to invest everything in them. All our free time and attention will have to be about them. We plan to discuss it more tonight.

Final thoughts

We had absolutely perfect weather yesterday. It is days like that that make living in Minnesota SOOO worth putting up with everything else. The sky was a brilliant blue, the temperature was perfect. A soft breeze blowing, just enough to make our wind chimes sing. We even grilled steak for dinner to celebrate the perfection of it all.
The evening came to a spectacular close with Midsomer Murders. They showed the very first episode of the show last night. We had never seen it. But this was the episode that tied into a much later one.

Until tomorrow…………….


Kell said...

So much good stuff today!

I love IKEA. I wish we had one here. When we lived in San Antonio, we'd drive 3 hours to Houston just to go there. Our office furniture and bookcases are all IKEA.

I watched Dr. Who, too. He's ok, but I just loved Christopher Eccleston in that role. I thought he was awesome. I think I'll just have to get used to this new one. But that first episode was soooooo boring! The second one was better, though.

I got the Bookman's Promise but haven't started it yet. I know all I'll want to do is read it, so I want to start it when I've got some time to just sit and read.

Congrats on cleaning out your office. Every time I do something like that I wonder why the hell I waited so long to do it.

Glad the hubster is back. Sounds like a good weekend for ya.

Tink said...

-2 more days until Hubby's back! Mwahahaha.

How bad do you think it would screw kids up if Count started counting negatives?

Glad the visit with the pups went well! I'm sure you guys are going to be great parents to them. They'll be totally different dogs in a year.

Jay said...

I'm sure it won't take too long for the pups to get comfortable with you guys. It'll be a lot fun hearing about all the progress you guys make.

J-Funk said...

Glad to hear you're enjoying the weather there - fall in Minnesota is unbeatable. I used to live right next to the Mississippi River and every year it when the leaves changed it would be so beautiful I could hardly believe it. Then I moved here to Seattle and thought 'why didn't I ever take any pictures?'. It's pretty nice in Seattle too, but not the same.

Anonymous said...

We have a sign at the Ikea exit that proclaims it a Tourist Stop (or something like that)

I had wondered about the duvet covers...I guess I'll have to go shopping. :)

Joy Des Jardins said...

Hi Newt,

Ikea? Love that place. I get lost in that place...lose all sense of reality...too much to see...too many temptations. I definitely limit my visits there.

Sounds like your weather really IS perfect. We started out that way yesterday...then, BANG! Sometime between 8:30 and 9 last night a raging storm blew in...hail, wind and torrential rain. It sprinkled on and off most of the day. We had warnings on TV all evening. There was a lot of wind and flooding damage in the area. We've had a lot of STRANGE weather here lately. Today....sunny and calm...go figure.

Have a great day...and a beautiful one...