Monday, July 31, 2006

While We Roasted

Hiding from the sweltering heat was the order of the weekend.


I made a skirt – from a pattern – a first for me

I finished Four and Twenty Blackbirds – great story – eerie and weird but still a good read

I read all of The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing – not what I expected. I knew it wasn’t a manual on dating – but I guess I was expecting a story more along the lines of Sex and the City or Bridgett Jones. What it turned out to be was a more serious and heavy story about a woman’s life and loves. Each chapter told of a different time in her life. Some chapters were devoted to meeting her brother’s latest interest. Others were about her lovers, or her family, or her own personal struggles. The last chapter is a pretty humorous story about meeting the great love of her life. Unfortunately she had just read a fictional version of “The Rules” so along for the ride of first days of romance she had the evil authors of the book sitting on her shoulders offering advice. Of course their advice caused her to almost loose the best chance she ever had at a great romance. In the end we don’t know how their story will turn out. But we hope for the best.

And lastly this morning Sophie and I went for our early morning constitutional. It was relatively pleasant. Along the way Sophie made a friend. His name is Shadow and he’s a big black lab mix. They got along just wonderfully. What I found darling was as we were walking away from one anther both dogs looked back at each other. How cute is that?

I totally forgot to mention:

This morning when I got into work there was a voice message waiting for me. That is nothing unusual.

So I checked to see what the message was.

Are you ready for this:

It was someones wife telling me to keep my conversations with her husband on a professional level and to stop with the personal talk.

This bothered me on a few levels:

  • I don't know the person
  • She actually said my first name which means she was trying to call someone named Rebecca
  • If this keeps up I don't want this mistaken identity to lead to a 12th floor shooting spree in which I am the target
  • The bat cave is cool, quiet, and relatively hidden but it ain't gonna stop an angry wife with a loaded gun.
  • This makes me feel a little bit dirty even though I am not guilty in the least.
  • It's Monday for cry'n out loud. I don't need this.
  • I had to forward the message on the HR just in case. Now I'm "trouble"


Jay said...

So that book wasn't about actually hunting and fishing? I thought maybe you were getting into outdoors sports. :-)

Tink said...

Did the angry caller leave a number? I would consider calling her to let her know you are NOT the Becca she's looking for. And then I would try to hunt down that husband to let him know his wife is PSYCHO. Lol. I'm just kidding. But be careful OK?

Anonymous said...

I've never quite figured out why an angry wife would go after the "other" woman. I mean if your spouse is gonna stray...

Sorry you have to deal with that garbage. Be careful for a while.

Jay said...

Does your companies phone system track incoming calls? If so, you can find her phone number that way and find out who she is. Then find out who her husband is and tell him to tell his wife that she called the wrong Rebecca. Or have somebody in the legal dept. send her a nasy letter.