Thursday, July 06, 2006

Finding my happy place

I have to confess that over the past couple of weeks I have been a raging and unpleasant person. I'm not sure what chemical imbalance occurred in my tiny little brain but it wasn't pleasant and I didn't like myself very much.

My friends and even my hubster tease me that I am not enough of a biatch. So I joke that I will try harder. Well, apparently I not only excelled at it but exceeded all expectations. Cause the hubster said "Honey, I love you, I know we told you to be more biatchy, but dang, you more than succeeded." He then said I was making him look like the nice one.

Whoa now, let's not exaggerate here. But if I'm making him look nice, then I gotta get out from under that full moon.

I had promised myself that if need be I would take a vacation day from work and kick my angry little hiney around the block till my attitude improved.

But, alas, working from home yesterday so as to watch over my baby girl cured me of whatever nastiness I had caught.

I am back to me. Sweet, positive, and happy.

Thank the goddess.

Last night I came to another realization. I was so preoccupied with my own feelings over the mornings events that I didn't think about the hubster. I spent the entire day looking at Sophie and being thankful she was still in my life. She spent a lot of time laying in my lap yesterday and I wouldn't have wanted her anywhere else. She must have known that I needed some serious Sophie time.

So when I went up to bed last night the hubster was laying up there waiting for me. I asked why he was there since he usually won't come to bed for a few more hours. He said he just wanted to cuddle with his baby girls. He said that he just wanted to be with us. And he was glad that we were ok.

Wow, hit me over the head with a brick. I don't give him enough credit. He actually had to deal with the thought of loosing both of us.

Now that a new day has dawned I can honestly say that I think the biatchy funk has passed.
I can live and blog happy again.



Jay said...

I'm glad that you guys weren't seriously hurt. I'm sure that was pretty scary.

Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a great blog!

Unknown said...

Goodness, I can not imagine you as a biatch.not in my wildest dreams.