Friday, June 02, 2006


New Blogs:

I started a new blog just for books. This way I won’t torture you all with book reviews.
The link will always be on the side bar in case you just have to know what I am reading.

I also started a new blog for the ranting. This way I can rant but you don't have to read it.
It's a choice you can make. The link is also on the sidebar.

Weekend checklist:

Watch season finale part 1 of Dr. Who
Walk in the park with friend and dogs
Buy ground cover plants from Gertens
Help J landscape the area around her house
Drink something cold and alcoholic
Sleep in
Trim overgrown catmint
Dead head the Petunias
Move dying plant to place with more shade

Good News:
I got the lab results back from the "surgery" to remove that mole. All is well, no cancer.

And on a TMI level: and also proof that I was raised in a barn:
I woke up at 3 this morning with a runny nose. Of course I'm only half awake so I can't find the tissue box but I became wide awake when I wiped my nose with the back of my hand only to smear snot bubble all over myself. GROSS! This is not how you are supposed to wake up in the middle of the night. YUCKY!
Now aren't you glad you read that???
I tried to tell you it was TMI


Anonymous said...

Next time, wipe your nose on the inside of your shirt near the bottom, unless you wear fancy blouses to bed.

Tink said...

You are so funny. You made a separate blog to rant in? If I did that my first blog would be blank. Hehe

Have a great weekend girl!

Anonymous said...

Well, look at the bright side. At least you didn't wipe your nose on one of the dogs.

Great news on the biopsy too. See? you were all worked up over nothing.