Saturday, June 24, 2006

Newt on the loose 6 degrees of separate thoughts

Thought #1:
Sign at church:
"God removes guilt"

Hmmmm, interesting concept. Do we have religion to thank for the complete lack of accountability we see today? After all, why worry about the consequences of your actions if you get a free ride?

Thought #2:
We went to see X-men 3. Oh happy day they showed a new preview for Pirates of the Caribbean. I will admit, I giggled like a school girl and had to fan myself a bit. I don't know what it is, but DAMN Depp is sexy.

Thought #3:
Last night the town kicked off Kaposia days. After the parade as people were walking home we had several folks admiring our front yard. The curtains were closed so I just sat on the couch listening to them and watching through the crack in the curtains. It was an ego boast. We've worked hard for several years to make the yard look good and I think we are finally getting there. We have no lawn, just English style gardens.

Thought #4:
Speaking of X-men, what mutant power would you want? Invisibility? Walk through walls? Manipulate matter? Control weather? Fly? There are just soooo many cool ones to pick from.
I think I would go for manipulate matter. As long as my brain wasn't as fubar'd up as Jane Grey.
Thought #5:
If you could spend two hours in a holodeck what would you want to do? (for non-trekkies's a holodeck is a computer simulated world that you can do anything you want in) I would want to be Lara Croft.

Thought #6:
Takes us back to God. What if ghost hunters came to a room where someone was having their dying confessions and last rites? Would the ghost hunters be able to talk to God? Since he forgives you and brings you to heaven?


Anonymous said...

So god is like a cosmic Stain Stick? Neato!

Tink said...

1. Wait... God REMOVES guilt? So why does the church create it then?

4. I'd want to be able to change form like Mystique. Only I'd never be in my blue scaly form.

5. Playing out Lara Croft would be SO much fun! Although I might be tempted to create something like the Matrix too.

P.S. LOVE your new avatar! :D

Anonymous said...

I forgot thought #5. I'd play quiddich!

Anonymous said...

Can God remove those tough-to-get-out stains like grass and ketchup?