Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Attack of the seven pound poodle

Observations from this morning’s walk:

Two crows sitting on a light post sounded like a married couple arguing

Sophie walks crooked so she is always walking into my foot. My arm gets tired always holding the leash out to the side so I don’t step on her.

It truly is peaceful in the early morning hours.

Everyone’s peonies are gorgeous this year

The mail dude must have left early this morning

The color someone is painting their house is a very unattractive primer gray accented with a very light cream. The house used to be brick red. I liked the red better.

I wish I had a digital camera so I can take pics on my walk in the morning and share them with everyone.

Pink Flamingos are coming back into style

Rabbits and squirrels are out in mass and they are braver and more adventurous in the early morning

A tiny little poodle charged across the road to see us. I picked Sophie up just in case she wasn’t a friendly little half pint. Turns out she just wanted to say good morning.

And for your enjoyment:
Yesterday I was more vertically challenged than normal. I was trying to help J reboot her Ipod. For whatever reason I decided that the desk space on the side of her cube was complete when actually there is a gap between the table and the desk. I forgot that fact and leaned on the non-existent desk. Thus finding my ass down on the ground before I realized what I did wrong. Apparently that kept J in fits of extreme giggles all the way till she fell asleep last night.
Also last night the hubster and I were messing around with our new exercise balls. Trying to balance on our knees on them, rolling around, etc. I saw in our workout book something called a swan dive and tried it. And yes, you guess it, ass over elbows I fell off the ball and not in a very graceful, no one will notice sort of way.
I decided after that it was time for bed.


Anonymous said...

Be aware of charging poodles. Don'y you know its 6/6/6/. Oooooh, freaky!

I kid.

Anonymous said...

I knew those exercise balls where just a tradegy waiting to happen...

Anonymous said...

or, a tragedy, whichever hurts less.

Anonymous said...

1. I love peonies.

2. When did pink flamingos ever go out of style (are you suer you want me to move to MN and be a potential neighbor?)?