Monday, June 05, 2006

A positive spin

The two certainties in life; death and taxes are both something we don’t look forward to. At this point in my life I can’t come up with a positive spin on death. Because it’s well, pretty final. But taxes, that’s a whole other issue. We have to pay them. There is no options there so why not find the good in the situation. So here is a list of positive reasons for taxation: Just think about how chaotic our lives would be without them.

Roads – I can get the places I want to go because of roads
Bridges – Safe passage across the mighty Mississippi
Parks – I can walk my dogs in beautiful places. I don’t own it, but I can use it.
Traffic Lights – Someone always changes the bulbs and makes sure they work right.
Stop Signs – another very useful item for traffic control
Street signs – I can find where I want to go
Freeway signs – another very useful navigation tool
Prisons – helps keep the psycho count down at any given place I go to
Police – yeah, we grumble about the occasional ticket but these guys really do help keep us safe
Fire Department - Another group of folks that risk their lives for us – help us when we are in accidents, try to salvage our homes, help us get our kitties out of trees.
Libraries – a kick ass source of literature and information with free membership
Schools – I got me edumacated because of these here thingys.
Fire Hydrants – a water source to help protect our property
Sewage systems – hell of a lot easier than septic systems, cleaner and far less stinkier than out houses, and way more pleasant than a chamber pot.
Storm drains – keeps our roads and properties from filling up with water.
EPA – without this group: Imagine coal run London – black and sooty only 100 billion times worse
FDA – helps prevent the traveling quack doctors with their cure-all’s.


Anonymous said...

Taxes are cool when used to do good.

Tink said...

I need more optimistic people like you in my life Newt. I've NEVER met someone who can find the positives of taxes! :P