Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The F&*$% with me show and more

So, I am addicted to 24. This is not news. And last nights installment made me realize why I like this show so much. Basically their nightly objective is to do a mind F&%$ on their audience. And because we all like to be shocked and surprised and have our minds blown away and the ground ripped out from under us we continue week after week to watch.

I’ve often wondered if they have an undercurrent of political commentary but with the rapidity of plot twist and change I can’t find any consistent theme. Of course I can draw my own conclusions each episode and decide that they are anti-V.P. or anti-homeland, or
Anti-whatever…………..Last night would be a huge anti-president. Or maybe, not so much anti as pointing out that the office of the President is not beyond guilt. Oh, Commander Coo-Coo Bananas plays it dumb and innocent and Chaney always seems to come off as the true evil in the oval but Commander Bananas isn’t that dumb nor is he at all the innocent puppet many accuse him of being. Oh well. It was a fun ride last night regardless. I try not to look for any messages while I watch because I tune in purely for entertainment and the mind F&%$.

Now on to other things: (boys, you may want to stop reading here)

Hormones are a funny thing. I have never been one to treat my girlish chemistry as an excuse for my day to day moods. I strive for even keel and friendly 24/7. Cause it is ALL about the positive attitude! And I don’t use PMS as an excuse to be a raging bitch or blubbering idiot. In fact, I barely pay attention to the color on the old pill wheel. (Unless vacation time or travel time is approaching). Now, I know that some women experience some pretty severe chemistry swings so I am not in any knocking what they go through on a monthly basis.

What I am getting at is that the one thing I know I am more susceptible to as the chemistry swings is random acts of choking up and crying. And at stupid shit. Take last night during 24, they ran that stupid “Diamond is Forever” commercial with the couple in Italy. The man asks her to “marry him again” in front of her parents and the crowd. Now I have seen that commercial what, a million times? But last night, I got choked up. Hell just watching Stargate last night got me choked up. Then this morning, I can hear J’s radio in the background and some stupid mushy country song is playing. I know the song from when I was a country girl and just catching a split second of the song had me getting all choked up. Come on!

So, I will handle this chemical disaster like all good girls do.

CHOCOLATE and lots of it.

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