Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Author's be damned

Alright, I have to get a little pissy here. I am now on book #3 in which uncalled for, unnecessary, and inexcusable animal violence has occurred. What is with people? This did not need to be in the story. And frankly I pray that the Karma Cow takes a giant shit on their head, life, and everything in between.

The following books contain unnecessary acts of animal cruelty:

Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson(this one turned my stomach and I threw the book away)
Kings of Infinite Space by James Hynes
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon

I am an unwavering supporter of free speech and I abhor book banning/burning. Like all people I have the right of choice so I choose to stop reading.

I just wanted to let anyone else who's stomach turns at the idea of animal cruelty know that these books contain graphic images that you may not want rattling around in your brain.

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