Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Thank You and an Interview

Last night when I got home there was a package in the mail box. A most unexpected surprise! I got the most fabulous and thoughtful gifts from Graymama. She sent me a hat and she sent me a mask to cover my eyes to help me sleep. Look how cute it is! I was SO excited. What a wonderful wonderful surprise. Thanks Graymama!

And now here's a fun thing from Tink. I told her she could interview me. So here are the questions she asked and my answers.

1. What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?
Well, I was helping at a golf tournament and one of my “jobs” was to hand out the prizes to the raffle winners. One guy won dinner for two at a really swanky restaurant in Carmel. As I handed him his envelope he asked me if I would go with him. And I just laughed in his face. And he only said, “I’ll take that as a no” and walked away. I didn’t mean to laugh at him, it unfortunately was how I handled the shock of his question. And here’s WHY it happened. This happened during the year of my divorce. I had been casually dating someone who informed me that all we were doing was casual dating and that I was “no” Cindy Crawford. So, as you can imagine that sort of further plunged my self esteem into the toilet. BUT then, all of a sudden that summer I had two amazing men that wanted to see me, spend time with me, found me beautiful and interesting. And then here comes number three. Successful, handsome as hell, basically someone that I would have thought was WAY out of my league. And here this incredible man was asking me on a date. Me, who would never be a Cindy Crawford now had three very handsome men vying for my attention. I guess the poor guy was the “straw that broke my mental balance”. And my shock and overwhelmed self esteem just decided to handle the situation incredibly poorly. And I wasn’t brave enough to apologize to him or to talk to him about my stupid reaction. To make it all worse not long after this I was having an unrelated conversation with a guy and he was telling me how hard it is to get the nerve up to ask a girl out. How it’s the guys “job” to do the asking but just like women, they don’t want to face the idea of rejection. Well, that just made me fell TONS worse. So for me, what I did to him was the meanest thing ever. I still feel bad to this day about doing that.

2. What character (from a book) would you most want to be?
This is a great question. And after thinking long and hard and racking my brain I decided I would want to be Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter books. She’s smart, beautiful, and can do magic. What better is there? (Can I get a re-do if they kill her off in book 7?)

3. Do you dream in color?
Yes, I didn’t even realize there were people out there that didn’t. I dream in all sorts of Technicolor. The hubster thinks I have the weirdest dreams in the world.

4. How much did your most expensive pair of shoes cost?
Since the hubster doesn’t read this I’ll actually admit to it: $55.00 for a pair of fabulous coach sandals that were on clearance. And should anyone even think of blackmailing me with this – I’ll send Tink after you with a spork. I might be obsessed with shoes but I do it on the cheap.

5. Which appeals more, being a princess or warrior?
Warrior all the way. In fact, I wish I was a Warrior Lass on vacation with Kell.

Want to play? Leave a comment saying, "Interview me." I'll respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions to be a little more intimate! Then you will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.

And to close this post for today I give you my baby Caleb


graymama said...

I am so glad that you like them! They look very nice on you :-)

1. You shouldn't feel too bad because it was not premeditated.

2.Hmmmm...Hermione or Ginny



Tink said...

Graymama gives the most thoughtful, sweet gifts. They're the kind that give you the warm fuzzies before you even open the package.

Great answers to the meme! I especially like the first and second. Hermione Granger is my idol too. :)

Cute Caleb... He looks like he might be possessed. hehe

Jay said...

If that's the meanest thing you've ever done to somebody then YOU are a very, VERY nice person. LOL

Kell said...

Warrior Lass needs to build an army! We can all invade together.

Great answers. Jay did this too, but I was afraid to give him the opportunity to ask me questions, but I trust you. I think. Maybe. Oh what the hell, interview me!

mike said...

Interesting...What the heck.

Interview me.

Nettie said...

OK, so I think the meanest thing you have ever done was tell your friend J that you would go shopping with her then try to bail by making her think that she was they one trying to get out of it. You play dirty Newt, even if you do smell really damn good! Interview me. Oh, plan on getting to come after me with that spork, I'm all about the blackmail!

Abbee Normalle said...

i beat you on most expensive shoes. $114 for a pair of dansko's i use for work. :)

Ellie said...

Because I know that you are a nice person and I trust you...yes interview me.

Also, I am not sure if that can really be considered the meanest thing, because really you didn't mean to, knowing you as well as I do, I know that it was just an involuntary reaction kinda like sneezing.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that guy is over it by now, so you can let it go! Besides, you didn't do it on purpose...if just happened.

AND, Cindy Crawford is way over rated anyways.

Anonymous said...

AND that hat rocks!