Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Random Newtness

Perfect housewife? Yeah, that I am NOT
I prefer a good book to a dust buster
Or a cuddle with the Caleb
Or a frolic in the back yard
Or a frolic in bed
Or weed pulling for that matter

An English accent - yeah, I'm a total sucker for one

I'm reading the very large The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
It's wonderful. I want to take a vacation from life so I can read it undisturbed for hours

When Lily is curled up on her chair or actually anywhere if you look at her she wags her tail, even if it's tucked under her you can see little bits of fur waving. It's the greatest sight in the world.

My yard is exploding with plant life - and not all of them are weeds. It's wonderful

I went and had Noodles and Co. with Girl J today - she makes the work day fun.

I mowed the lawn tonight. We have a push mower. It's a bit of a workout. It felt really good. Grass between my toes. My muscles working. The dogs were playing. The air was warm. And the air smelled like Lilacs and fresh cut grass. It was almost orgasmic

A woman got up out of her seat on the bus to let the person next to her off for their stop. As she did so the bus jerked to a stop and she fell backwards. I put out my arm and steadied her so she could regain her balance. She thanked me. I really didn't think anything of it, and went back to reading my book. But when she got off she turned to me again and said thank you so much. Sometimes we forget that the simplest things might mean the world to someone. Even if it's as simple as helping them get their balance.

I'm finding something out about the world around me by riding the bus. I'm not quite sure what it is but I feel like I'm learning things. Maybe I'm learning to be kinder, more thoughtful, or maybe more thankful. I don't know. But it's changing my perspectives a little.

Right now as I type this Lily and Caleb are playing with toys. Tug, steal the toy, chase, it's pretty funny. I wish you were here to watch it with me. You'd be laughing too.

Sophie and Socs are sitting on the back of the couch watching out the front window. Well, Socs is watching out the front window, Sophie is watching the dogs playing. She's so cute sitting up there.

Yep, you really should be here hanging out with me. You'd get a kick out of the craziness in my world. Of course, you'd also see for yourself what a horrible housekeeper I am

And you might run away afraid....................

I've had strange and realistic dreams the last few nights. I wake up exhausted. As if I never slept but lived a different life.

Of course none of those dreams involved Gerard Butler, a beach, and...............

Those types of dreams I wouldn't complain about no matter how tired I still felt in the morning

Hugs to all


Anonymous said...

"I mowed the lawn tonight. We have a push mower. It's a bit of a workout. It felt really good. Grass between my toes. My muscles working. The dogs were playing. The air was warm. And the air smelled like Lilacs and fresh cut grass. It was almost orgasmic"br/>
OMG. Ditto. Weird, huh?

Nettie said...

First of all, you don't mow the lawn in bare feet. Second, I make EVERYDAY fun, not just the work day!
(let's get that straight ok?)

Courtney said...

I'm glad you're the kind of person who automatically reaches out to help someone; not the kind who sits and tries to decide if they should help. Today I made a guy's drink for him and took it outside while he was talking to another customer. He left and I was thinking he forgot to pay, but he'd gone to the ATM machine so he could leave a tip instead of using his debit card. He was so appreciative that I remembered his coffee order and took it to him. It seems silly, but the slightest kindness can make such a big difference in another person's day.

Kell said...

I wish I was there to watch your puppies, too. It sounds like so much fun.

You make yard work sound enjoyable!

Mmmmmmm Gerard Butler dreams . . .

Coffespaz said...

"Sometimes we forget that the simplest things might mean the world to someone. Even if it's as simple as helping them get their balance."

That is so very true!! Thanks for the reminder.

graymama said...

Looks like you wrote a Tender Tuesdays post for me :-)

So when is newtcon? I want to hang out at your house!

A spiritual teacher of mine in Minneapolis once told me that the best energy/healing work occurs while you are sleeping.

{{{{Hugs}}}} and an award to you :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to find that I'm not the only one in the world that can find anything to do besides housework!

Tink said...

You're probably the nicest person on the bus Newt. I bet those regulars don't know what to do with an implant like you. Maybe you're kindness will be contagious. :)