Sunday, May 20, 2007

Newt's weekend reflection

Some quick and dirty thoughts from this weekend:

My friend's son graduated and she threw him a party this weekend. It was a perfect afternoon, the sun was out, there was a breeze, good food, family and friends, lots of love. Even the ex's and steps got along just for this special occasion.

While I was there their little dog Dodger fell asleep in my arms. I just sat quietly watching everyone and enjoying having the little guy cuddle with me. My friend's sister Girl C who I have come to simply adore said something so true. She said for most women it's babies, but for you, it's a dog. And well, yes, that is me in a nutshell.

I also stepped out of my usual box at this party. I wore a denim skirt that shows off ALL the junk in my trunk. And there is a ton of it. But Girl C is always saying how she wishes she had junk in the trunk like me. So I guess it isn't all such a bad thing to have some booty. I also went sleeveless which I usually don't do. For whatever reason I aways feel too naked. But I did it and to hell with what anyone thought. Maybe they all were thinking, "Damn, thats a big booty" but I think I have hit an age where it really doesn't matter anymore. And I realized that even when I dropped to a size 4 after the emotional stress of my divorce I still had a whole lotta booty. So, booty is going to be part of my life no matter how slim or chubby I get. You really wanted to know that didn't you????

I also was reminded that my husband is a generous and thoughtful man. Despite all his self-proclaimed pride at being a cheap bastard. I asked him for some cash for the card and he gave me a lot more than I expected.

Newt: "Hubster, do you have some cash for his card?"
Hubster: "Sure do, here, give him this."
Newt: Looks at hubster a little strangely.
Hubster: "He's a good kid right?"
Newt: "Yeah, he's the best."
Hubster: "Well then, I wish it could be more."

See, you don't expect that from someone who just joined Costco because of the cheap gas. And who figured out to the penny the comparison of buying membership vs. paying higher gas prices at other stations and how soon it would pay off if ever.

And finally, I just wanted to say that as I was driving home from Nettie's I realized something a little strange yet a little wondrous. In a few months I think that I will have actually been living in Minnesota longer than in any other place in my life. This nomad has found some roots. And she is very happy about the place that she has settled down in. I've called several places home but none of them have felt as right as where I am now, with Hubster.

So thank you to:
The dogs and kitties
Boy J
Boy S
Hubster's family
Girl J
Other Girl J
Girl C
and everyone else that has made Minnesota home.


J-Funk said...

AAAAAhhhh beautiful midwest spring - you make me miss it!! It rained here all weekend, but I actually enjoyed it a little. Congrats on finding your "nest"

J said...

We're glad you're here too, Newt.

Jay said...

Sounds like a great way to spend a weekend. Especially a nice comfortable spring weekend.

Tink said...

It's ALWAYS better to have junk in the trunk! More cushion for the pushin. More seating for the reading. More pillow for the...


Yeah, I'm out.

I love the conversation with hubby. What a sweetie! You got a good one there girl.