Friday, December 07, 2007

Friday Quickie

I watched one and a half movies last night. The first was a recommendation. It was called "Say Uncle." It's a quirky little movie. I liked it, but I started to get really angry with one of the characters and almost turned it off. But since someone said I should see it I stuck it out. And I'm glad I did. I like the message in the movie. This story showed how hard it can be to make a decision, the type of decision that could destroy a person. But not making that decision could destroy a different person. So it's sort of that rock and a hard place concept.

Certain concerns in society today have forced the belief that you convict now and sort out the guilty later. Unfortunately a whole lot of innocent people get caught up in the paranoia.

I resent this loss of innocence. And I find myself worrying about things that I shouldn't have to worry about. For example I had to visit the doctor about my shoulder. I walked into a door frame. But of course my concern was that it would get flagged as possible spousal abuse. And that's just not right.

On the devils advocate side you can say, "well, yes, but sometimes it is abuse"

Yes, this is true

But how do we draw that fine fine line?

There aren't as many monsters in this world as Oprah would make us believe. Not every dark corner has pedophiles, wife beaters, and psychotics hanging out in it just waiting to pounce. In fact deep down I believe that the majority of people are good, honest, and have the best intentions.

So, on that note I put in my favorite feel good movie, Love Actually. I needed to listen to something that made me feel good about love.

So I leave you with the opening lines from the film:

Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world.
I think about the arrival gate at Heathrow airport.
General opinion's starting to make out that we live
in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that.

Seems to me that love is everywhere.
Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy,
but it's always there.
Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters,
husbands and wives,
boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends.

When the planes hit the twin towers,
as far as I know, none of the phone calls
from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge.
They were all messages of love.

If you look for it I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love all around.


Jay said...

Oprah and Bill O'Reilly have teamed up (even if they didn't mean to) to create an atmosphere of fear in this country among so many people. All men are rapists or abusers or whatever. All children are in constant danger of being abducted 24 hours a day. You should be afraid of everybody. No single men should be allowed at a public park "just in case". There are many cities passing that very law across the country. Presumed guilty. It's getting a little annoying too.

R.E.H. said...

Whatever happened to quilty until proven innocent? ... or, was it the other way around?

While there certainly is a lot of love in the world, it wouldn't hurt if there was even more of it, would it? ;)

Kell said...

I love watching people at the airport meeting their loved ones. When I have to pick up Al, I always go early so I can people watch. It just gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.

Especially this time of year, let's remember to be a little nicer to each other. Maybe it'll last longer than a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

I hate Oprah. She is NOT the voice of reason--how the hell would she know how cruel the world is? She lives in a house the size of Minneapolis. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jay. Oprah and Bill O have become strange bedfellows in the promoting of paranoia about our friends and neighbors because someone has to "think about the children."

Not all strangers are bad, and not all authority figures are good, but it sure pumps up the ratings.

Karen said...

I think at some point Oprah's heart was in the right place, but things have spiraled out of control.

Love Actually is one of my favorite movies too. And I am putting "Say Uncle" at the top of my Netflix que.

Christy said...

The story line with the little boy in Love Actually is my favorite. So sweet.

Tink said...

I hate Oprah. She used to be sorta normal. But I think the pursuit of show-worthy material warped her mind. Have you noticed that all the books she picks for her club are depressing? She's always promoting paranoia and trying to take a stand against... well, EVERYTHING. But when it comes to her, she expects to be treated like a Queen. Remember the time she demanded that purse store stay open for her and they wouldn't? She tried to get everyone on the bandwagon against them. I think it's time for her to retire. Lord knows the woman has enough money to.