Saturday, April 28, 2007

Some hubby bonding

Today was one of those catch up days with the loved ones. A hot shower, a little love, and then the always romantic weed pulling extravaganza. I have gone with the Darwinian theory that what ever can grow in my yard, great, fabulous, terrific. Go nuts. If you can't survive on your own, tough tiddly winks. So, as you can imagine that pretty much leaves three things growing in my English garden style front yard, dandelions, weedy grass, and cat mint. Everything else struggles to just grow a few inches. I am not a good gardener, I'm more of a half assed gardener. And maybe I don't even deserve that much credit. And this year, it's painfully obvious how bad a gardener I am. The grass like weeds have pretty much taken over. At this point if I want to fix this situation I have to dig it all up, put down some fabric and start all over again. Sigh...........And I have no one to blame but myself.

I do have to say I love laying on the thyme ground cover that we have, it's softer than a hotel mattress, and pulling out the little clover plants that seem to grow in and amongst the blanket of thyme. The hubster joined me and we sprawled on our sidewalk and pulled out the little clover runners. It was actually kind of fun and relaxing. Our little Sophie princess was out with us. She just plopped down on the sidewalk and kept her mommy company.

When I said a few posts ago that the plants literally grow before your eyes. I meant it. I can't believe how fast things are growing. I LOVE this time of year. I love that we have nothing but warmth for the next several months. I love that things are green again. And that the birds sing non-stop. I simply love being in the sun and fresh air.

I never used to appreciate the warmth and the sun when I lived in it all the time. I took it for granted. But now, now I relish every moment. Our climate really encourages us to live our spring and summer lives to their fullest. And that is marvelous. It feels just plain spectacular to be alive.

Now I will grab a bottle of brambleberry tea and curl up with a good book while basking in the sun. I think tomorrow I have plans to do the same.


J-Funk said...

A co-worker of mine is from California and actually went to go see a movie in the middle of the afternoon on a sunny Sat once. I was horrified. In the midwest you would never be that crazy.

My problem is that without a yard or any pets, I have a hard time finding excuses to get out in the sun when it's sunny. It's gotten a lot easier here in the Northwest (what with all the hiking and water everywhere) but I still sometimes find myself just standing on the sidewalk out front wishing I had something to do. Maybe I would make a good gardener? I kind of doubt it. Glad you could enjoy the day!

graymama said...

Sounds like heaven!

Hubby, Buddy and I went to the Farmer's Market yesterday. Walking around seeing all of the beautiful plants for sale, playing on the grounds in front of the capitol building, and leaving with a jar of pickles, pumpkin butter and chipotle flavored popcorn in hand was a BLAST!

Today is the pool in the back yard and gardening. Spring and summer are WONDERFUL!!!!!

Jay said...

I'm thinking maybe a Brady Bunch style astro turf yard would work out pretty good. ;-)

It's been a weird spring. It got very warm very early and all the flowers bloomed and all the bugs came out. Then it got cold again for a couple of weeks. Now it's turned warm again but all the flowers are dead and the bugs and bees and wasps are gone. Weird.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like we have the same sort of gardening skills! I'm very good at weeds...bring on the dandy-lions!