Thursday, April 12, 2007

33 Ramblings for Thursday

1. If I forget to put my wedding ring on I feel naked.
2. The three people I rode the elevator with also had a cup of coffee in their hand
3. Obviously none of us had drunk any because we rode in silence, dazed, and confused.
4. I sometimes wish I was a teacher
5. Or a museum curator
6. Or a shuttle pilot for NASA
7. But I’m ok with what I do because I don’t hold either a life or a priceless artifact in my hands
8. I’m probably too warped to be a teacher anyway
9. I’d have high expectations for my students parents
10. And I’m sure they would all disappoint me
11. Far more than the kids would/could
12. Though having summers off would be nice
13. And I think to look at the earth from space would be cool
14. Almost as cool as looking into the window of a bookstore
15. They are similar experiences actually – nothing but dreams and possibilities come from gazing at both
16. Of course none of that compares to the joy of looking at shoes in a shop window.
17. Wow, that was a girly statement if I ever wrote one.
18. I hope Paul Blackthorne doesn’t mind that he is in my head while I read the first book in the Harry Dresden series.
19. Actually I plan to read the whole series so he’s going to be quite busy for the next several months. Making appearances in my brain at all hours of the day and night.
20. Does the last two statements make me a stalker? Or just werid?
21. It’s funny how the possibility of something new on the horizon can really change ones attitude and perspective.
22. I think it’s called “Hope”
23. I read while riding the bus. But only going home do I get car bus sick. What’s with that?
24. Bagels are one of my favorite things in the world but when asked to list my favorite foods I forget about them.
25. A toasted onion bagel with peanut butter is my favorite
26. Second to that would be pumpernickel with butter
27. They are pulling down all the cubes and offices on ¾ of the floor. It’s actually much quieter than I would have expected.
28. I might cry when they tear down the bat cave
29. If I need my breath to feel fresh the mintyness seems to disappear in a millisecond. But if I want the minty flavor to leave – such as when someone unexpectedly brought in bagels for everyone, the mintyness stays around through the ENTIRE bagel consumption.
30. This week has gone by super fast.
31. Does that mean the weekend will go by super slow?
32. I doubt it
33.Plans for the weekend include an art show and going to the bead store with Girl J’s daughter. She asked me to make jewelry for her first formal. I’m very excited and honored to get to do that for her.


Anonymous said...

I know I do not have what it takes to be a teacher.

Bagels rock!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

What an honor to be asked to make such important jewelery. You deserve a bagel for that

Me said...

32. I doubt it.

As random as it gets.