Thursday, April 19, 2007

The runts in my life

So Tink asked us to throw down our “runts” those little stories that aren’t part of the big moments in our lives but yet are still momentous in some way.

Runt #1: Back in elementary school lunch came with a main course, milk, and a little container of peanuts and raisins. My friend and I thought it would be a great idea to gather up all the unwanted containers, put them in our now empty milk cartons and then snack on our bounty. Which we did. To the point where I was throwing up peanuts and raisins for what felt like days. I can’t touch either of them to this day without feeling sick.

Runt #2: When my family gathered up our lives and moved to Michigan we drove across the country. From California to our new home in Southfield MI. Three things happened on that trip that I will never forget. We made the drive in winter. And getting over the continental divide was hazardous. Several semi’s had jackknifed and the going was dangerous at best. When we actually got across and on to safer roads we learned that the highway patrol had shut the pass down. It was the first time in my life in which I remember being truly scared. The next momentous event on that trip was a stop we made at a diner. It was truly a truck stop location. Complete with a waitress that called everyone “hun”. I was enamored and awed by the experience. The friendly and down home little café. And to this day I believe the best pie I have ever eaten. Lastly when we drove through a chunk of Texas I picked up a souvenir, a book called Texas Tall Tales. I still have it 30 years later. And the stories in there still make me laugh.

Runt #3: We lived in Michigan for 18 months. And in that short amount of time I had more weird things happen to and around me than would normally happen in a decade or two. A portion of the school we went to burned down. All but the mother of a family that went to my school died from Carbon Monoxide poising. I suffered third degree burns from an accident and had to have skin grafts. And just days after getting out of the hospital I managed to get a splinter the size of my whole thumb up into what little skin I had left on my heel. Not long after my hospital stay I also got a really bad case of bronchitis that took me out of school for another couple of weeks. I had my first and only bully experience and got into a huge brawl on the way home from school. And I got my first kiss. (on the cheek, but still my first kiss) his name was Richard Cerbello. And to this day I have always wondered how he’s doing.

Runt #4: In college my roommates and I would often ride the bus into Hollywood to see a movie. It was a long trip but we would wander around the areas of each bus change. On one occasion we stopped at a pet store because we were early for our movie. Inside the pet store there was a table of bunnies. One of the bunnies was a big grey lop ear. She came bounding across the table to me and demanded ear scratches. Which of course I obliged. Then it was time to go to the movie. But as soon as the movie was over I headed back to the pet store and bought the little lop. I named her Miss Louise. Which is part of a title to a song from the Lost Boys sound track. She was the best bunny in the world. She trained herself eventually to only go potty in her cage. And she loved Apple Jacks more than any food in the world. In fact if we left the box of apple jacks on the kitchen counter she would figure out how to get to it, knock it off the counter and tear into the box. She didn’t do this with any other cereal. Not even something similar like Fruit Loops. It was only Apple Jacks. She came when you called her and loved people. She was far more like a dog or cat than what we typically think a rabbit would be like. I still miss her terribly.

Ok, enough of my little runts. How about a few from you?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your lifes runts. They brought back some memories.

I was just thinking about when I lived in So Cal.... I was going thru a drive thru resturant named Carl Jrs. I ordered a POP. And the lady on the other end kept saying "what?" and "please repeat your order" she finally told me to pull forward and I could tell she was very frusterated... Finally I get to talk to her and a manager and order a diet... and then it dawns on me that only in MN do they call it pop. Evidently they expected me to say SODA. That sticks with me for some reason.

Coffespaz said...

Those were really cool and definitely brought back some memories. I'll have to ponder and come up with some for my blog.

Miss Louise reminds me of my bunnies. I had eight at one point, each with their own personality. Garcia was one of my favorites though. He was so gentle and so cuddly. He was the only one we could let wander in the yard without fear that he would bound away. Then there was Princess, a black satin rex. The only white on her was her nose. Even at night, when we called to her, you could see the nose go bobbing up and down. :smile:

Anonymous said...

Miss Louise? What a great runt.

Tink said...

Those were awesome Newt!

I especially loved the bunny one. It's something I can completely imagine you doing. You've got such a huge heart.

Jay said...

I'm thinking that I should avoid Michigan now. It sounds like a dangerous place.

I've never had a bunnie as a pet. But, I've come close a couple of times to getting one. They're so cute and soft.

Kell said...

Those were great, and what a great idea Tink had. I'm still thinking.

We had a flop ear bunny for awhile. I named her Emma, and she was adorable.

Anonymous said...

We had bunnies when I was a kid. I believe they were called New Zealand Reds and Checkered Giants. If I remember right. They multiplied like crazy and we sold them to other 4-H families. It was a good experience as a kiddo having to care for them. None of them were as domesticated as yours - at least not that I know of. I don't suppose they really had a chance to be!

I enjoyed your stories!

Peggy said...

I can't believe you haven't Googled that guy! I bet if you did a search for his name and last known state of residence. . . . at least that's what I've been told. ;-)