Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"I Pinch"

I like that stupid commercial with the car and the crab. “I pinch” – I have to ponder who the heck came up with that one. And how did they pitch it? I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that one. My first instinct would have been to toss the person out on their head the concept is so dumb. So who gave them the go ahead? This was some serious outside of the box thinking.

The capital one commercials with David Spade. They were okay, but then they added the poor hapless kid. He made the commercials. And we all watch enough t.v. that they have been able to have less and less David and more and more hapless kid. But our brains can follow the thoughts. And it’s this kid that makes them work.

Another great string Capital did was with the Vikings. I love the commercial progression. Marauding raiders reduced to department store santas and other thankless jobs. Awesome job by the creators. And again, we all watch enough t.v. that we can follow the progression.

And in other news:
I added the web stats thanks to Tink. I love the search terms she posts and just had to see what would come up for mine:

Watch out for the karma cow – I guess I didn’t know other people had a deep respect and fear of the Karma Cow
Shhh! Be vewy quiet -
Peels malt beverage
Steve kluger – No clue on this baby

United States
Unknown – I’m going to say this one came from P3X97 – a relatively close planet with a technology level similar to that of earth’s. Dr. Jackson thought there were some interesting ruins that should be studied further. (you must be a Stargate fan to even begin to understand this train of babbling)

Lastly, I began the book “To Dance with the White Dog” by Terry Kay this morning. I started crying on page two and only made it to 13 before I had to go reapply my make-up and leave for work. Ya got to hand it to an author that can get ya bawling before you even know the characters in the book. I still have 165 pages to go. I guess I must always have a box of Kleenex near by.

1 comment:

Tink said...

I LOVE the "I Pinch" commercial! It's right up there with the Starburst commercial where the guy loses his arms in a vat.

My favorite search terms was, "Watch out for the karma cow" So Karma's a cow hmmm? Good to know. *Runs off to make cookie shield*