Sunday, January 27, 2008


I had fun with Girl J on Saturday night

I managed to make 4 whole pages for our garden scrapbook

4 pages in 6 hours

I guess the stop at J Jill

And the shoe store

And the ice cream shop

And Maurice's

Probably helped keep us from making much progress

Then I went home and caught most of Torchwood

That show rocks

And then as much Graham Norton as I could watch till my eyes closed

It was after midnight

WAY past my bedtime

Sunday I got up and made eggie in a basket

Cleaned up a little

Dropped a key off at Momma G's

Went to our friends house

There was a party for our friends Will and Tia

It was their wedding we met at

They live in California

But came to town for winter carnival

It was fun

Then home

A little more cleaning

Some laundry


Hope Floats

Started to cry when she danced with her dad

I don't even really like this movie

But I think between PMS, the hubster being gone, and well, me, just being me

I'm all emotional like

I hate when I get like this

I should probably just get it over with by watching While you Were Sleeping

A good cry, some sleep, and then a busy week at work

He'll be home before I know it


I don't think I would make it through a whole movie

I should probably just stick with a movie I don't really like

I would love to do the 3 day walk for cancer

Anyone want to join me?


Tina said...

Probably wouldn't last at the 3-day walk...although I realize that there's a whole training schedule. I would happily cheer you along though should you decide to do it :) I had a friend do it last year and loved it. I am entertainment chairperson of the Cottage Grove Relay for Life and you are welcome to come join our team and walk overnight to raise money for cancer should you not be able to commit to the 3- day event. Glad you had fun on Shoe Scrappin' Saturday

R.E.H. said...

I once tried a 3-day walk kinda thing (as a dare) - only lasted a day and a half.

It started to rain heavily, and my shoes were wet. We (me and a friend of mine set out on this adventure) got to stay in a barn along the highway and I slept on the floor with a rug pulled over me. The next day my feet were totally f**ked... we had to call for someone to pick us up in a car ;)

Christy said...

Hope Floats it the best movie ever. Your rambles are awfully interesting. I enjoy them. =o)

Tink said...

A 3 day walk? Oh man, I'm not sure I could make it 3 hours. I need to work out so bad. My tummy is getting a tummy.

Nettie said...

You are silly.

Steel Magnolias will have your hyperventalating.

I'm in on the walk. I've wanted to do it for a couple years now.

I had fun too.