Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Some Regularly Scheduled Nonsense

*Dad called last night to tell me about the “feedback” they were getting from their coffee shop friends. The couple that they spend the most time with told my folks that they need to pack up and move to MN. They told them how much happier my parents seem with me around. They also said that I “lit up the place” with my twinkling eyes and sparkling personality. How my enthusiasm and kindness seemed to make the coffee shop a better place. I didn’t even have to pay them to say that.

*Yesterday I received a package and in it was the olive oil I ordered from Italy for the hubsters birthday. I’m so very excited that it came in time for his big 40 party! Now I just have to find other Italian yummies to add.

*I got another package yesterday from a friend. Inside the box were edible goodies. I didn’t really eat much dinner because I sort of filled up on the yummies. But that’s the advantage to being an adult. I can have dessert first. And I can ruin my appetite.

*I’m reading a very good book called Shadows Fall by Simon R. Green. I love this author and I was holding off reading the book till a special occasion. I figured that the combination of vacation and the holidays was a special enough occasion so I started it last week. This book is wonderful. Green writes a series called the Nightside. And in the books they mention a place called Shadows Fall. It’s a town where legends, hero’s, monsters, and mythical creatures all go to when man stops believing in them. He wrote this story to go more into detail what life is like in this town. Everything I have read by Green stretches the imagination and brings to life all the things we wonder about. He’s an amazing author.

*You know you’ve reached a new level of relationship with your parents when you have this conversation:

Dad (while getting into car) : “Ouch, shit that hurt”
Newt: “You okay dad? What did you do?”
Dad: “Oh, just hurt myself getting into the car.”
Mom looks back at me and says: “He sat on his balls”
Newt: “You can just let me out here.”

I promised dad I wouldn’t blog about that so don’t say anything to him.

*Speaking of stuff – Dad is fascinated by the idea of blogging. He always asks me what I talk about with my internet friends. He also asked me if I ever blog about him. And I told him that I do talk about him on a regular basis. “Good things I hope?” he said to me.
“Of course.” I assured him.

*While I was out of town the hubster built the dogs a potty shelter. Yes, you read that right, a potty shelter. Our little Lily hates the rain so he figured that if he built her a little potty shelter she may be more willing to do her thing outside. I’ll let you know how if it works.

*Well, that’s enough nonsense for now. Have a great day!


Kell said...

A potty shelter? How sweet is he?!?

I have no doubt you lit up every room you went into.

And an olive oil from Italy? Yum. That's a sweet gift.

Jay said...

Maybe your parents SHOULD move up to MN.

And maybe your dad SHOULD start his own blog!

Tink said...

Oh no, I think you all should move HERE. ;)

He built a potty shed! That man is totally a keeper Newt. And I think he needs to talk to Hoop.

Tink said...

P.S. My WV: Rommpher

Followed by stompers?

graymama said...

Your enthusiasm and kindness make the world a better place :-)


That author is definitely going on my to read list. Thanks for adding some great literature into my life!


Your parental conversation reminded me of when my Mother told me what she calls my Father's penis. Can you say WTMI?!!!!


Your hubster is wonderful :-)