Friday, November 04, 2005


My latest novel of choice is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. So far it is a marvelous tale about life in Bombay. The author escaped a maximum security prison in Australia and fled to Bombay. This is his story.

It is a rare and beautiful treat to find an author that not only takes you away on an adventure but actually lets you walk along beside him. Where your senses seem to come alive as you read the story.

This is one of those rare and beautiful books. I have covered 195 pages of a 933 page story so far. And I have loved every minute of it.

I read that Johnny Depp will be starring in and directing a film based on the book. I can't wait. I know he will do the story justice.

Grab yourself a copy and take a journey to Bombay. You won't be disappointed.

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