Monday, June 30, 2008

What No Shoes????

Shoe pic's are on the work computer.

So here's some random stuff:

I hate bugs. All of them. I become a pathetic fearful dork around bugs
Suddenly a bug no bigger than my pinky finger nail can completely defeat me.
I suddenly become 2 years old crying for my daddy.

Ok, I like butterflies and lady bugs. But that's it.

It made me feel better to know that a friend who is a fire fighter freaks out about bugs. If he does and he doesn't fear going into burning buildings? Is my fear so illogical?

Ticks are going to be my downfall.

I am becoming a Trekkie. It was only Star Trek Next Generation but I have expanded to Deep Space Nine and Enterprise.

I'm a geek, what can I say

I am a Target whore. I admit it. Addicted. I get lost inside.

That and Target gets a ridiculous amount of my monthly income.

I have decide that the Ipod is the answer to corporate cube farm

I noticed today that 9 out of 10 cube monkeys were working away with their Ipod's going.

This cube monkey included.

Chicken stir-fry from Trader Joes is another good meal in a bag.

I'm already in love with their Gorgonzola Gnocchi

Among other things.

I can't wait till I get old enough for a house coat to be ok.

They have pockets.

Perfect for my Ipod.


Fortune Cookies said...

I mostly loathe spiders, bees and wasps. Spiders, because, well, I've been bitten, and it wasn't pretty, bees and wasps because they can kill me. The others are more of a nuisance than a demon spawn. But ticks, or any skin burrowing critter, now that's just wrong! There's no need to poke around in my skin! Oh, and there's nothing wrong with being a Trekkie, I prefer the company of geeks.

gary rith said...

uh oh, I am wondering if you spent the weekend in the country.....
this killed me: 100 yards up the road and across our neighbors were having a garage sale----and there were mosquitos everywhere!!!! They have their own little swamp. I have not seen a mosquito around our house or anywhere else around here in years! My god, every little place is soooo different...

Tink said...

If it weren't for my IPod, I would never get anything at work done. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't mind bugs as long as I can kill them. I use my shoes. Anywhere anytime.

Also, I am also becoming a trekkie. It is embarassing. I am hooked on Enterprise, but my BF is getting me into The Next Generation.

Kell said...

I wish we had a Trader Joe's around here.

I hate those little gnat-like bugs that fly around your face. They're too fast to kill.