Sunday, June 01, 2008


So the hubster and I were out in the backyard on Sunday. And we were discussing how weird our neighbor is. See, our bizarre and annoying neighbor was once again mowing his lawn. Unlike normal people the guy will mow two rows and stop. A couple hours later mow a few more. And then a few hours after that he will mow another couple. We are convinced that chores interfere with his beer drinking. Our fine upstanding neighbor collects unemployment and thanks to the generosity of ourselves and other tax payers we reward his lazy ass with lots and lots of free beer. He then decided to blow up the brand new kiddie pool he bought. Again, thanks to our generosity. Of course, much like mowing, he did it in increments over several hours.

So, as the hubster and I were discussing the oddities of our neighbor, this is what that very same neighbor witnessed on our side of the fence.

Me, with wet hair and a vinyl table cloth wrapped around me.
Hubster, sunglasses and cabana hat cutting my hair.

After doing a fine job on my hair the hubster then decided that the best way to get rid of the pesky hairs still sticking to my back and shoulders was to use the air compressor and blow all the hair off me.

As I titled this post: That would be the pot calling the kettle black. Don't ya know.........

And yes, the hubster does do a fine job with my hair. Honest. It's even on both sides and actually pretty darn cute. Rather than going to the salon and spending 30 bucks + to have her trim less than an inch off my hair I have the hubster do it. Why not? He already colors it. And he does a good job at that.

Brave? Maybe. Cheap? Definitely.

It was a perfect weekend. And I have perfect hair to prove it...............


Jo said...

I love that your husband cuts your hair. Before I switched to layers, hub cut mine too...but he never took an air compressor to me LOL!

At least your neighbor isn't mowing crop circles?

Your shoes...and the last post's shoes---surely these are my favorite yet. How is it possible they keep getting better?!

OneDaisy said...

OMG! If I didn't know you and love you the way I do, and you lived next to me? You would be SCREAMING "please make fun of me and my husband" and I would. I totally would. LOL, too funny girl.

J said...

You've got to let me know when you're doing this kind of stuff. I'd be more than happy to come over and take pictures for you. It's the very least I could do.

Tink said...

I always thought there weren't enough uses for an air compressor. ;)

Anonymous said...

That is too darn funny!

AND where are the pictures of the hair?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm all for cheap haircuts...and cheap entertainment. Although I'm not sure if you or your neighbor are getting a better deal on that cheap entertainment! :)

I agree with those to die for shoes. I can't believe you havn't run out yet!

Jay said...

Glad that air compressor is so multi-functional. Makes it much easier to justify buying! ;-)

Christy said...

Hehe sounds like an episode of Seinfeld in the suburbs.

gary rith said...

I wonder, if you don't have a large fence yet, could it be time to put one up?

Fortune Cookies said...

that's like extreme flowbee! at least your neighbor takes the time to cut the grass, mine, how is a perfectly healthy musician, has cut his once this year, and that was LAST weekend when the grass was as tall as the fence. I wonder if your neighbor has chronic fatigue or a heart condition, or emphysema, they get tired and need breaks frequently...

Reb said...

Love the shoes! Hey if you get a good cut, then there is nothing wrong with who is cutting it!

Like FC said, your neighbour could have some chronic medical reason for taking all the breaks. As long as it gets done, he maybe doesn't feel as useless as he might otherwise be. It is irritating as hell though for you, having to listen to the lawn mower on & off all day.

g-man said...

Nothing wrong with any of that. It shows ingenuity! A hair picture would be nice though.

Anonymous said...

After 20 years of marriage, I finally let my husband cut my hair. he did a fine job. He cuts his own, and one of us always cuts the boys' hair. We save a ton of money on this, which we probably use to buy beer. Priorities, you know? Cheap is my friend and the path to early retirement.
Just DO NOT tell my husband about the air compressor....oh, wait, I'll probably do that the next time I have a drink...

I'm with a few of your other posters; perhaps the neighbor has a medical condition?