Have I been blotted by blogger?
Alright, what I ranted about yesterday was not that bad was it? I mean, it doesn't deserve to somehow just disapeared off the face of the earth did it? Because I find it interesting that my blog is not accessible. Nor can I post on it. Hmmmm? What's that about? I can access the other two blogs on the same account. No wonder we have whacked out conspiracy people. I mean, if I was paranoid I'd be looking out my window right now seeing if there were any black mercedes parked below. Or I'd sneak home to see if there were men in black going through my house.
God I hope Soc's pees on one of them.
Well, whatever.............................
I was going to rant about this. But apparently I can't.
Ok, I can put the tinfoil hat away now. The Rant page appears to be working again. Phew. But I still hope that soc's pees on the men in black.
Now on to more regularly scheduled ramblings of Newt:
Let the Whimpification begin.
Yes, you guessed it folks. Up nort' here it's heading toward the cold and blustery days of fall. Well, not so much blustery. That would be too much to ask for since we got those new wind chimes. (that haven't made so much as a peep yet). And yes, you guessed it. We are acting all whimpy about it. Sweatshirts, pants, closed toe shoes (oh that hurt to type) It's in the high 50's to low 60's and you'd think we were freezing to death in the Arctic. It's all relative that's for sure. In March and April when we sneak up to 40 degrees everyone is running around practically naked. I'm not exagerating here. We leave the coat in the car. We push up the sleeves, we even roll down the windows. But now, so soon after scorching summer days. Now, we get all whiney and whimpy. It's kinda pathetic.
A Head Scratcher:
So what does it say about a person that has two giant decals on his back window. On the left side is an image of a very agonized Christ (not a happy one but one with a face clearly in pain and despair) and on the right side of the back window is a Minnesota Viking mascot.Cora:
We have made the call. I left a message with her foster mom after being accepted by the adoption screener. So, we'll see.........Actually I had to stop typing up today's blog to talk with her. We will be meeting tomorrow night at the Petco near my house. I'm so excited!
Gift from Dad:
Got a package in the mail yesterday. It was a very cool C.D. from a guy that my dad really likes. His name is Frederic Delarue and he always has a booth at art shows in Palm Springs. He does a great job of mixing classical and new age. It's perfect reading music.
Well, kids, that's about all I have for today.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
What did you say about the blog? I can't hear you with this tinfoil hat on!
Cora such a pretty girl. She'll make a lovely addition to your furry family. Keep us updated.
Not long after I moved from Missouri to San Antonio TX the temps fell into the upper 50's. Everybody down there was wearing sweatshirts and even gloves! I was wearing short sleeves and they thought I was crazy! LOL
We're in the low 70s and upper 60s and my hubby is freezing. How do I know? Because he tells me at least 3 times a day. I'm in for a long winter!
Cora's a cutie, alright. Good luck!
It's still in the 70's to 80's here, but good sleeping weather (60's) at night. This is my favorite time of year.
Cute Cora!
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