Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Funny Ha Ha

Conversation with the Hubster

While unloading the car last night

Hubster: "Uh honey, did you know you had a pair of shoes in the trunk?"
Newt: "Yes, those are the shoes I wore at work today"
Hubster: "OK, just checking, I thought maybe you were storing them away like nuts."

Conversation with the Hubster 2

Newt: "Well, the doctor said that my shoulder will just have to heal on it's own - but unlike a sprained ankle it will take a long time because I have to use it which keeps re-aggravating it.

Hubster: "Well, I'm just glad it isn't anything more serious like a fracture or crack."

Newt: "Me too, but he said I might have pain for another 3 months or more."

Hubster: "So, what you’re saying is that you’re going to be milking this whole “hurt arm thing for the next 3 months”? I can hear it now, “open this honey”, “lift this honey”, “big jewelry heals my arm, honey”

Newt: "Actually I think he said that big jewelry and new shoes will speed up the healing process."


I just learned that the hubster is going to be staying overnight in Amsterdam on his way to Berlin. So, nothing like having the one you love in the land of free pot and hookers. Fabulous.
Just freak'n fabulous.


So R.E.H. tagged me with a meme. I won't follow the rules, you know me better than that.
So, 7 weird things about me. Just for him. You are welcome to play if you would like. Of course I would never deny anyone the pleasure of a meme.

1. I'm a dog person. I honestly don't like cats all that much. But, I have four cats and we volunteered for 5 years at a cat shelter.

2. Pirates 3 is coming out on DVD Dec. 4th. I will be buying it on the way home, making mac n cheese for dinner, closing the drapes, turning out the lights, and enjoying the movie, probably more than once that night.

3. December 21st is my favorite day of the year. It is winter solstice. Which means that after that date the days get longer. It still might be cold, but we are over the celestial hump.

4. An hour in Barnes and Noble does wonders for my sense of well being. It's instant, relatively cheap therapy. I will never need a shrink as long as there is a Barnes and Noble within driving distance.

5. I was actually relieved to not be going to California in December. That has got to be weird right? I mean, let me think, Minnesota or California in December? Should be a no brainer. But I have my reasons.

6. There are certain people in my life that have left an impression on me deeper than I ever thought possible. The only way I know how to describe it is to say that they touched my soul. And that feeling is so much deeper than normal that sometimes it scares the hell out of me. Especially since a few of them I see rarely if ever, and in a few cases, will never see them again.

7. A friend of mine from High School died while I was in college. I have never gotten over his death. And I have carried his picture in my wallet for more than 20 years. I wasn't in love with him, we never dated, we were just very good friends, and he always knew how to make me laugh. But after he died I realized I didn't know him at all. One of my best friends, and I barely knew him. Do we ever truly deeply know anyone? Or is there a part of each of us that can never be reached or known by another human being?

8. I can't sleep with anything on my feet or legs.

9. I realized that I really live to the beat of my own drummer. At work the other day I was in a room with a wide assortment of people. I had my headphones with me so I could focus better on what I had to do since I only had to be in that room in case someone needed support. Anywhoodle, I was putting on Pandora when someone asked me how I listened to music with my laptop. SO I told them about Pandora. And then I said, "So, right now I'm listening to my station "Mat Kearney" cause he's my new boyfriend." Well, about 8 heads popped up and all of them looked at me like I was on crack. And a few of them sort of shook their head and mumbled "new boyfriend". It wasn't done in a mean way, just a sort of, "Ok, she's odd" sort of way. They laughed and no one treated me like a leper. But, I realized that I am definitely not a main stream person in my expressions or odd ness. I mean, I KNOW, he's not my boyfriend. And, I am fully aware that I am no longer 15. I was kidding. But I think some grown-ups, have forgotten how to have fun in life. They are all serious all the time. Sheesh, that's kinda sad.


Jay said...

"But I think some grown-ups, have forgotten how to have fun in life. They are all serious all the time. Sheesh, that's kinda sad."

That is soooo true. I can't believe how many people I meet who just don't seem to have a sense of humor at all.

Christy said...

Storing shoes away like nuts. That is just freakin' hilarious!

Karen said...

I call Mike Piazza my fiancé all the time. The fact that we don't know each other and he is married to someone else doesn't deter me at all. My brother even calls me to say "you fiancé is on channel 36" or something.

You are not odd.

Tink said...

A girl after my own heart. You just couldn't stop at 7.

R.E.H. said...

I know about the adults thing there. I work with mostly young people, and for some reason I get better along with them, than most people my own age.

Probably because I think people my own age are boring ;)

Dec. 4th. I'll keep that date in mind. I, too, will make sure to have enough spare change for a copy of the Pirates DVD myself. Love those movies.

And, you made me curious there. About your friend who died... what did he die from? Elaborate, please ;)