Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Candy by the fistfull

Hubster said hand out the candy by the fist full. So I did. We are almost out. But the trick or treaters have fizzled out in number so it's probably about over anyway.

The dogs haven't stopped barking since 5:15. It's now 8.

Excedrin, you are my friend.

And the kids, just adorable. It didn't get as cold or miserable as they threatened. It was actually a pretty descent night for the kids.

And, the first group of kids, I handed them each their fist full and one kid said "Thanks"
"Wow, lady, THANKS"

Next year, we'll get even more candy. It's too funny to see the kids expressions when we give them more than one tiny little piece of candy.

And like all good non-parents, we have no problem sugaring up someone else's kids.

Yep, still barking.

Hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween.



Jay said...

I didn't hand anything out. Only two people knocked on the door anyway. I'll go out tomorrow and survey the damage around town. LOL

Kell said...

We handed out handfuls, too and almost ran out. The kids came later this year than most. Guess it's no fun trick-or-treating when it's still light outside. Boo to you too!

Tink said...

We had 10 large bags of candy. In the beginning I was handing out small handfuls. Then, as I saw more and more kids on the street, I started passing them out one at a time. By the end of the night the candy was all gone! We're going to have to prepare next year.

Christy said...

Once Brae had made his rounds
(early in the evening when the youngin's are out) he then came home and handed out fistfuls of candy to the older kids. They were all very surprised, stunned even, to have a 4-year-old giving away so much candy. Hehehehe

TimW8 said...

Gotta Love the "nice lady" who hands out the "fist fulls".
I'm guilty of the same thing.(wink)
The only thing better than handing out the candy is buying all the candy on sale the next day and saving it for next year...nice trick. He he he.