Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hump Day Ramblings Grumblings

It's hot
Yesterday I was a sweaty dripping mess working out in the yard.


But between working out and doing yard work I was wired! WIRED! I couldn't sleep.

My brain was going 1000 miles a second. My eyes were wide open.

That is until about 5 this morning. Then I could sleep.


I say again Grrrrrrr

So, since I'm half asleep and in a slightly foul mood I will stop talking and show you some pictures:

This is Cassandra and Tinker snoozing in the guest room

Socrates crashed out in my chair

Shasta Daisy

Cone Flowers


J said...

Cassandra is way too freaking cute. Nice afhan, too.

Jay said...

That happens to me so often. Toss and turn all night and finally go to sleep at 5 am. OR .. Go straight to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and then wake up at 4 am and can't go back to sleep.


Newt said...

Oh, forgot that one. When you fall asleep quickly and then wake up, usually for me it's before midnight and I am WIDE awake and thinking the new day should be starting. Grrrrr

Tink said...

I'll second that "Grr." Grrrr! I've been so tired directly after work. Then, at about 9:30pm, *BING* I'm wired. What gives?!

Beautiful pictures! The kitties look so fluffy. I wish I could pet them through the screen.

Coffespaz said...

awww...I love it when they pass out with their head upside down. The epitome of comfort!

Kell said...

Such cute kitties! I want to pet them, too.

And I love daisies and cone flowers. I bet your garden is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I've had a few sleepless nights recently too. In fact, I was up last night 'til about 1am using Photoshop on the wedding pics just waiting to feel sleepy.

The flowers in the last pic look a lot like Echinacea flowers.

Cuuuute cats!