Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Friday Dance!

This is a TGIF sort of day.

It is simply gorgeous outside. The perfect day to not be inside. In other words, the perfect day to not be at work.


So, since I am stuck here I will make a random list of favorite things:

Puppy Kisses
Hubster Kisses
Oreo Cookies
Steak from a charcoal grill
Or Hamburgers for that matter,
Or hot dogs
So how about anything cooked on a charcoal grill
Cold glass of milk
Baileys on the rocks
Soft cool breezes
Mountain air
Mountain scenery
A cabin in the woods
A cabin by the lake
The cardinals in my yard
A kitty in the window
Driving with the windows down
Singing at the top of my lungs
The sound of water
Reading by the ocean
Reading by a stream
Reading by a lake
Drinking ice cold water
My pillow
My bed
A warm blanket
Cold night air
The smell of coffee
The first sip of coffee
Apple pie hot from the oven
Corn on the cob
Holding my hubster's hand while I fall asleep
The feel of Sophie as she sleeps against my leg
Max sighing from down below
The excitement Lily and Caleb have when they first see me in the morning
Socrates sleeping
Slipping my feet into a sexy new pair of shoes
Freshly painted toes
Wiggling in the grass
A yard filled with daisies

Have wonderful weekends everybody!

Hugs to all


Coffespaz said...

OOOOhhhhh....I just LOVE that list!!

Anonymous said...

That is very nice.

Makes me think of all the things I like and are thankful for.

Thank you!

Nettie said...

So why the hell aren't I on the list?