My shoe shot from the other day had Gary the Potter asking what my tattoo was. Some of you have seen these so bear with me..................
Well, let me tell ya, there isn't just one that peeks out :-)
It all started 9 years ago. Yesterday was our wedding anniversary so I guess it's also appropriate to tell the tale of the tats.
My most special girlfriends,
T, H, and E went on a little excursion with me for my bachelorette party. We went to
Doc's tattoo in Medford Wisconsin. It's one heck of a drive but he is the best tattoo artist in the midwest.
For my first tattoo, I chose what I call my cave art jack rabbit. He is on the inside of my right ankle. And yes, I did get the tattoo the day before my wedding. But he is pretty harmless and small. I chose him because for one, I love bunnies. And for two he became my guardian spirit. Alerting me to any dangers in this world.

Then, because you can't stop at one. I decided that I wanted a fairy. So I spent months looking for the perfect one. I also was determined to work daisies into the design. So once again we headed out to Docs. The fairy is part of a beautiful illustration for a children's book. I looked at that fairy for over a year to make sure she was the one. And yes, for me, she's perfect. Doc, in his infinite artistic wisdom thought the mountain and clouds would give the scene some perspective. And he was right. I love the little background he added.

Then, last summer I decided to get my phoenix. I was burned when I was young and had to have skin grafts. To most people they aren't noticeable but to me some days it is all I see. So, I wanted to put something beautiful there. And I decided that a phoenix was perfect. Rising from the ashes to be reborn stronger and wiser. Much like a lot of the things we experience in life. I look at some of the things I have done and been through and I am proud of how far I have come. Now, grant you, I have had a very blessed life with a wonderful family always there to lean on. But some things we have to do, we have to face, alone. My divorce was the biggest one. But even something like moving to Minnesota was a huge change in my life. I took a leap of faith and a leap of heart that I was doing the right thing. I knew I loved Hubster with all my heart, he is my soul mate and best friend. But, still, I left behind my job, my friends, and my family to be with him. I went from being surrounded by safety and security to a complete unknown. But I never looked back, I never doubted what I was doing and I jumped, with eyes wide open. And so I marked those moments of my life with my phoenix.

So there you have it. My art. And the stories behind them.
I desperately want a Phoenix tattoo. I feel I have risen above a lot in my life. I want it on my ankle with the tail feathers reaching out and around and down my foot. My husband on the other hand doesn't want me to get anymore.
Very nice post. I was surprised at the size of fairy and phoenix, most women's tattoos I have seen are usually smaller. They are wicked good, Doc does indeed do good work :)
Happy anniversary.
I love all 3 of them but especially your guardian bunny.
I'm still deciding on my first, I keep changing my mind which I guess means I'm not ready but I'm getting old and well ...
have a great anniversary weekend!
Love the Phoenix! Actually, I like them all. Thank you for sharing the stories behind them too.
Your tats are amazing! I was surprised like G-man at the size, but that's a part of what makes them so incredible--all that detail & the colors just pop.
Your stories are great...I love what the phoenix means to you. I'm glad your leap of faith turned into so much happiness :)
Ahhhh, here's the story of your tats! I have a phoenix, too, but it's not in traditional colors:
Yours are gorgeous, and I really love that fairy and the story with it :-)
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