Thursday, April 03, 2008

This and That

Went with my co-workers to a place called Snuffy's. Sometimes a burger and malt is the best thing in the world.

But so is good conversation between friends.

So maybe it was the combination of the two that made it a fantastic lunch.

Personal quirk #1: I have to cover a public toilet seat before I can sit on it.

Personal quirk #2: I won't touch the door of a public restroom on my way out. I have to use a paper towel.

Personal quirk #3: At home, I'm a self confessed slob and my home is probably a health hazard and that doesn't bother me in the least.

Nettie sent me an email with buttons - here are my favorites
Personal quirk #4: When someone is on the phone in a restroom I have the greatest urge to make the loudest and rudest noises possible.

I owe ya'll pictures of "the chaos" also known as Pearl and of my niece. I gotta get on that eh?



gary rith said...

oh yes, animal prints with red toenails!

R.E.H. said...

I stay away from public restrooms as much as humanly possible - those places are vile!

I would never sit on the seat... not unless it is absolutely necessary to prevent a major embarrassing accident ;)

Jay said...

I don't touch anything in public restrooms either. They are so scary.

Christy said...

Love the shoes AND the mail polish. And I must confess, I fear clowns eating me in my sleep, too.

Jo said...

I just hover over the seat in public restrooms & I use a papertowel on the fixtures. If I was a man I don't know if I could use their restrooms at all!

When I'm in there & someone is making a lot of indelicate noises, I try to leave as quickly as possible b/c I'm afraid I won't be able to stop laughing & mortify the person.

I love the troll button!