Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring is here - NOT

So, I'm working from home today because we have snow. Blowing, gusting, falling snow. I tought I saw on the calendar that yesterday was the first day of spring. But someone forgot to mention that to Ol' Mother Nature.

So, needless to say my shoes are slippers and my company is dogs not co-workers.

If the weather gets better I'll be meeting Girl J later on today. But until then, I'll be working on some training materials and watching Dresden Files on DVD.

So first, the cute pictures, and then we'll follow it with some snow.

Before she flipped belly up they looked like a mirror image
Sleeping Beauty
Sophie being too cute
Awww mom, no more pictures.........
The snow is sticking to the screen

The front yard and houses across the street
Our backyard - snow is sticking to the power lines
Snow is sticking to the telephone pole out back in the alley
And snow is sticking to the neighbors fence - kinda pretty eh?


gary rith said...

NO, NOT A PRETTY FENCE! The heck with the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gorgeous little doggies. Gorgeous!

Jay said...

It's definitely turned spring here. Warm days and lots of rain. I think I wouldn't mind one more snow storm though.

Betty said...

The weatherman says it might snow here Sunday. The weatherman needs to get back on his medication.

J said...

I am really really done with the snow. Sure it looks pretty, but I'm ready for the spring rains to clean everything up again. Did you go outside to take a picture of the fence? Or was that taken by a "kitty-cam"?

R.E.H. said...

Yeah, we got some new snow this weekend to that won't go away.

I can't wait for spring... can-not-wait!

Jo said...

I grilled out in the sunshine today while little birdies & butterflies twittered about. It was awful & no one should be jealous.

I forgot all about sticky snow! What I remember is that it made the best snowballs. Great shot of the fence...your doggies are so cute all snuggled up.

Anonymous said...

after those pics, I started thinking about packing some winter gear for when I visit but I realized that my winter stuff is probably what you guys use in springtime.

Dianne said...

what sweet puppies

and the snow shots are beautiful.

I read somewhere that a spring snow is good for the lawn - the grass will come in greener.

or maybe I made that up.