Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hearts and flowers

Happy Valentines day!

As we are sucked into yet another consumerism I have a few thoughts:

When I was single Valentines day was the most depressing day of the year. On par with New Years - no one to kiss. Nothing makes you feel more alone than those two holidays. Of course you can take solace in the fact that you don't have to come up with the cash for gifts, cards, dinner, flowers etc..............And I never really minded being single, I can take care of myself just fine. But between commercials, advertising, and lobbies full of flower arrangements for other people it did get to me.

But now that I am in a long term relationship/marriage I realized that it isn't any more special a day. Grant you I get a high from the fact that my hubby remembered to buy a card - early. And he got me some sweet gifts. And I love that! But for us every day is valentines day. We don't just celebrate our love one or two days a year. Maybe that makes us lucky. And let me tell you, I am very thankful for that. We do little things for each other all the time. And we try to have special romantic evenings on a regular basis. Basically it boils down to the fact that we try to cherish every day together.

So whether you are single, or happily coupled with someone, have a wonderful day. But try to make every day Valentines Day with the ones you love. Be it family, significant others, pets, friends. What have you. Life is short and we need to cherish every moment we have on this earth. And every moment our loved ones have here too.

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